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Life’s Convictions

Life’s Convictions

Whether you agree or not, we all have been ignoring the harsh realities of life for quite some time. Even though we are technically advanced, we are traveling back when it comes to seeking the real meaning of life.

We have no clue about what’s going on with us and what our actual job on earth is.

We are all a bit stereotype when it comes to accepting the truth. Nothing hurts us more than the truth. And with the advancement, we have learned more ways to ignore the reality. However, ignoring the truth won’t make a difference. Truth can’t be changed, and only ignoring them is not going to change your life.

Here some of the bitter truths of life, which you should probably know. Understanding these life facts will help to live a better and happier life, at least a better life than the one you’re living at the present moment.

Everyone is a bit selfish –

Some people might act as if they are selfless, but do remember that nothing is the same as it looks from its outside. It is a fact that those *SELFLESS* people are the most selfish when it comes to something that’s related to them. Moreover, it will be dumb to consider anyone as selfless in this 21st century. No one is a saint here!

People look for kindness and not kinds –

Invest in kindness and not kinds .Kindness is what the world expects from you. If you gift someone a cell phone today, they will forget about it after a couple of months, but, if you help someone in need, they are not going to forget about it for a long time. The choice is yours, either invest in kindness or kinds. However, make sure that you invest in either one or the other.

Money is every thing

Money isn’t everything, but everything needs money. Who said the money couldn’t buy happiness? Well, it can. When you have money in your pocket, you are good enough to get anything and everything you desire. Of course, there are certain things in life which can’t be bought with money, but we aren’t going to list them here.

You cannot make everyone happy

Whatever you do, wherever you go, there will always be someone who will be unhappy with you. They might have a valid reason for it or might not, but it’s not something that you should care about.

Learn to accept that you cannot make everyone like you, just be yourself, and let the one come into your life who is ready to accept you just the way you are. Moreover being true about your character will make sure that you never have to fake your emotions. Faking is something that causes a lot of mental pain, so avoid it as much as you can.

Expectations always hurts-

Expectations hurt, Period. Life was meant to be lived freely not with full of unrealistic expectations. If you desire/expect something, make sure that you work hard enough to turn that into a reality sooner or later all by yourself. Never expect anything out of someone. You can expect things from only one person, on the whole, earth, and it is – YOU!

Friends are not always reliable-

Of course, friends are like the life jackets in a leaking ship. But, they aren’t always countable. If you have got some superb friends, they will surely try to help you whenever, and in whatever way they can, however, they won’t always be able to lend a hand. Some life moments are made to be faced alone. You cannot expect anyone to come and join you in some of those hard time; it is just the way life works. Those are the times when you realize how life works, and who are your trustable contacts.

Even though we never wish that you go through such times, but if you do, make sure that you do not lose hope and just go on the journey.

More friends does not means more fun

There is a misconception among people that higher the number of friends you’ve, more fun you’ll have.

The fact is the lesser friends you have, the lesser you have to deal with shits. Trust me; it doesn’t matter how many friends you have, all that matters is how many friends you can count upon when you are in need. For me, having a single best friend is better than having ten random friends who aren’t going to be with you for long.

A lot of people dream of having your life-

Most importantly, understand the fact that a friend to all is a friend to none .A single rose can be my garden, a single friend my world.

You are living in your comfort zone, having an active internet connection, food to eat, TV to watch and a roof to sleep under.

Do remember that even if you have only these four basic amenities, you are richer than 75% of the world’s population. Be happy for what you, but don’t settle for it.

The world is progressing rapidly, and you’ll be left behind if you are entirely content with what you’ve got now.

Make sure you know how to draw a line between being greedy and ascetic.

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